english | deutsch

The first workshop is open to everyone. After that, you can spontaneously decide which of the three workshops you want to attend.

The program is subject to change.

 = there might be louder music 

🕺🏽 = workshop with movement or dance

To visualize how much physical closeness and eroticism a workshop can contain, we use a color scale, which we depict as a spectrum:

Sun, 20 October 2024 | 10:00 - 10:45 h
Men undressing


with JULIAN (d/e)


We start the second day with a ritual: conscious undressing, activating the body and sharpening the senses.  

Sun, 20 October 2024 | 11:00 - 12:30 h


with NIV (e)  | ♫ 🕺🏽


Contact Improvisation is a form of dance where you improvise with one or more partners no set steps or move.  One hour of led movement and 30 mins of free jam - dance with whoever you want.


with ROWAN (d/e)


My style of shibari is focused on the connection, letting go, diving deep in your body and allowing intimacy....


In my workshop you will experience how to connect with people by using ropes.


with LUCA (d/e)


Body painting has been used for thousands of years to make the invisible visible. What is hidden inside you, what wants to become visible? By empathising with our counterpart, we paint on the body with natural colours what wants to appear.

L U N C H   B R E A K 
Sun, 20 October 2024 | 13:30 - 15:00 h 


with LOVE DRAGON (d/e)


A safe ritual for lovers, dancers, warriors, cuddlers, inner children and animals to meet each other protected by a circle of compassionate witnesses. Follow your intentions. Let’s listen to our bodies’ wisdom. No previous experience necessary.


mit COCO (d/e)


Von sanft bis hart. So wie du es brauchst. In diesem Workshop üben wir Techniken zum spanken (schlagen mit der flachen Hand) und lernen, worauf zu achten ist. 


with JULIAN (d/e) ♫ 


We create a space in which we can deal with our habits and patterns of masturbation on the one hand but also try out new things and making our phantasies about group masturbation come true. We will play an edging game that provides a feeling of connection between each other. 

Sun, 26 May 2024 | 15:30 - 16:45 h 


with KENO (d/e) ♫ 🕺🏽


Tauche ein in die Welt des sinnlichen Bewegens. Inspiriert von den 5 Rhythmen, bewegen wir uns durch sanfte, langsame und kraftvolle Bewegungstile, die Körper und Seele in Einklang bringen.

Beginne mit weichen, fließenden Bewegungen, um deinen Körper aufzuwärmen und loszulassen. Intensiviere deine Bewegungen schrittweise, bis du den Höhepunkt des Tanzes erreichst – kraftvoll, energisch und befreiend. Der Workshop lädt dazu ein, sinnliche Berührungen unter den Teilnehmenden willkommen zu heißen, die das Tanzerlebnis vertiefen und eine Verbindung schaffen.


with JORDAN (e)


I will guide you through a restorative yoga sequence with your partner/pair and demonstrate a variety of yoga massage techniques to enhance relaxation of the body, mind and spirit. Each pair will learn different thai yoga massage and touch methods and practise these on each other in a sensual yet nurturing exchange of energy. (In pairs). Can be done in the action room.


mit LOVE DRAGON (d/e)


Im Herzkreis habt ihr Gelegenheit, die Erlebnisse des Festivals verbal zu integrieren. Ihr könnt auch teilnehmen, wenn ihr nicht wisst, was ihr sagen sollt. Stille ist genauso kraftvoll. Keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. Kommt einfach mit offenen Herzen.

Sun, 26 May 2024 | 17:00 - 18:00 h 
Closing Circle


At the end of this intense weekend we will consciously put on our clothes again in a ritual and have the opportunity to reflect and share once more the experiences we have had. 

So bring your clothes (without shoes) for this ritual.