english | deutsch

The first workshop is open to everyone. After that, you can spontaneously decide which of the three workshops you want to attend. At the end of the day we all meet in the big room for further information and a short sharing. The program is subject to change.  


We have three rooms, a small sauna, a kitchen and garden, as well as three showers/toilets. 

The anteroom of the sauna is also used for workshops. It may happen that for the workshops the rooms are spontaneously swapped if it makes sense due to the number of participants.

Please be in the respective room 5 minutes before the start of the workshop so that we can assess whether rooms need to be changed. 


On Saturday evening the rooms are available to all participants until 10:30 pm to play and relax.

= there might be louder music

🕺🏽 = workshop with movement or dance

To visualize how much physical closeness and eroticism a workshop can contain, we use a color scale, which we depict as a spectrum:

Sat, 19 October 2024 | 11:00 - 12:45 h


with JULIAN (d/e)


After the welcome and information talk, we will get in the mood for the weekend with a short guided meditation.

We will consciously celebrate the transition from clothed to naked with a ritual and greet and honor our bodies with various touches.

Sat, 19 October 2024 | 13:00 - 14:00 h


with JORDAN (e) |🕺🏽


This workshop explores the relaxing benefits of Yin Yoga with a partner. Instead of moving with the partner we hold the poses for longer enabling both people to rest and restore each other in a deep state of relaxation. We will we explore a sequence of 10 Yin Yoga poses with a partner (switching roles) using each other’s body weight and support to release muscle tension, joint pain and stiffness, increasing flexibility and reducing stress. The effects can be sensual with the possibility of arousal. 


mit LOVE DRAGON (d/e)


In diesem Workshop werden wir lernen, uns auf die Bedürfnisse anderer nach Komfort und Sicherheit einzustellen und gleichzeitig unsere eigene Agenda zu verfolgen. Diese körperliche Doppelbelastung ist anspruchsvoll, hat aber einige Parallelen zum wirklichen Leben. Ursprünglich nur eine 10-minütige Aufwärmübung für Playfight-Rituale, werden wir hier endlich viel Zeit haben, um zu erforschen, wie wir für andere da sein und andere für uns sorgen lassen können. Dieser Workshop kann Halten, Sanftheit und Kämpfe um Loslassen beinhalten.



with NIV (e)


With what intentions and longings do I go into the weekend? What do I hope for? What do I bring with me for the group? We deal with these questions using the format of a heart circle: One person talks, the others listen.

Unlike most other workshops, this part takes place without touching and direct interaction with the other participants.

L U N C H   B R E A K 
Sat, 19 October 2024 | 15:00 - 16:45 h


with JULIAN (d/e)


In diesem Workshop zeige ich verschiedene bequeme Positionen, um eine körpernahe Massage geben zu können. Ausserdem veranstalten wir eine lustige Körper-Rutschbahn, womit wir das Körpergleiten üben können! Es wird viel Öl fliessen.

Bitte im Anschluss nichts mit dem öligen Körper berühren und unbedingt duschen gehen! 


mit LUCA (d/e)


In diesem Workshop demonstriere ich verschiedene Möglichkeiten von Bondage und die dazugehörenden Sicherheitsaspekte. Mit Manschetten, Seilen, Folie und Tape wird der Sub in der Bewegung eingeschränkt. 

In einer anschliessenden Session können die Teilnehmer sich ausprobieren. 


Sat, 19 October 2024 | 17:15 - 18:45 h


with COCO (d/e)


Explore the art of genital massage in a safe and supportive environment. This workshop offers hands-on techniques and guidance to enhance intimacy and connection. Participants will learn to give and receive a mindful, respectful, and deeply relaxing genital massage, fostering a deeper understanding of pleasure and consent. Suitable for all levels of experience.


mit NIV (e)


Workshop über Berührung und Zustimmung. Wie geben und empfangen wir Berührung. Wie stellen wir sicher, dass wir unsere eigenen Grenzen und die des Gebers und Empfängers einhalten. Das Universum wählt deine Partner aus und man wechselt zwischen vielen Partnern.


with ROWAN & JULIAN (d/e)


In this workshop we will shoot material for a "Slow Porn". In preparation, we will collect ideas from which we will choose for the following shoot. We want to take sensual, erotic shots, which can include all kinds of sensual and sexual encounters and practices. The group decides where the boundaries lie. It is possible not to show your face and it will also be fine to simply act behind the camera (light, camera, etc.). After the workshop, the film will be edited and screened later in the evening.


This film could show faces. But we will delete the film and all the material that shows faces after the festival. Participants will get a version of the video without faces per email later. And we will use this non-explicit material also for our documentations.

Sat, 25 May 2024 | 19:00 - 19:15 h
Gay Tantra


We meet in small groups to share, reflect and digest our experiences of the day and find a way out of the workshop setting into a cozy evening where the facilities, garden and sauna are at your disposal.

D I N N E R   B R E A K
Sat, 25 May 2024 | 20:30 - 22:30 h 


The large room will be transformed into a temple and bazaar for all kinds of encounters, treatments and activities. 


You can withdraw to this room or cuddle up with others. No sexual acts take place here.


When the weather is nice, the garden is ideal for conversations. 


The sauna is hot from 19:30 - 22:30!