english | deutsch

The first workshop is open to everyone. After that, you can spontaneously decide which of the three workshops you want to attend. In the middle and at the end of the day we all meet in the big room for further information and a short sharing. The program is subject to change.  


We have three rooms, a small sauna, a kitchen and garden, as well as three showers/toilets. 

The anteroom of the sauna is also used for workshops. It may happen that for the workshops the rooms are spontaneously swapped if it makes sense due to the number of participants. Please be in the respective room 5 minutes before the start of the workshop so that we can assess whether rooms need to be changed. 


To visualize how much physical closeness and eroticism a workshop can contain, we use a color scale, which we depict as a spectrum:

Sunday, 3 September 2023 | 10:00 - 10:45 h
Men undressing


with JULIAN (d/e)


We start the second day with a ritual: conscious undressing, activating the body and sharpening the senses.  

Sunday, 3 September 2023 | 11:00 - 12:30 h

The Switch Game

with JASON (e)


Are you a dom, sub, both, neither? In this workshop, you’ll get to explore taking power and surrendering in an approachable, playful, and deliciously s*xy way. The Switch Game builds on the Wheel of Consent, layering in power dynamics and basic skills for setting up a kink scene. Whether you’re a newcomer to kink, or an experienced kinkster, you’ll get to explore the flow of power, find your edge of resistance, and how it feels in your body to finally let go in a safe container. No kink experience required.


with ROWAN (e)


In this workshop, you will get a short introduction to japanese calligraphy and can experience how calming and meditative this creative process is. In the second step, we will also add some sensuality and paint characters on our bare skin, and photograph the artwork afterward.


with CHRISTIAN (d/e)


Whether with the hand or with the wooden spoons.... Whether fine/hard, slow/fast, loud/quiet or sweet/dirty: The world of impact play is much bigger than it might seem. The workshop is a crash course in anatomy basics, safety, communication, technique, aftercare and of course in fun playing :-)

L U N C H   B R E A K 
Sunday, 3 September 2023 | 13:30 - 15:00 h 


Now Watch Me

with TAMER (d/e)


Striptease is a wonderful way to express yourself erotically through body language. 

Leave your inhibitions and self-censorship outside for once, show yourself as you are, and celebrate your body. 

Use your clothes as props and playfully tell a story with them.

Use your breath and your looks to seduce your audience or your partner. 

Do a solo strip, give someone a lap dance, or team up with others and perform in a group...

Do whatever you feel like!


with P!NTO (e)


What happens when you need to have a break in your sex life, when you can't change fluids, or your new date is a bottom too (or 2 tops) or even when an erection is not available? Is it game over? Trust me SEX is MORE than that! 
Let's map, identify and wake up our most sensitive erogenous zones on our body and play with those. 
Imagine, slowly moving your nose down to his navel and then down to his crotch, waiting for him to moan until his underwear gets wet. With his pre-cum or your saliva... 
This will be the challenge to increase our willpower and train our creativity.

Sunday, 3 September 2023 | 15:30 - 17:00 h 


with TIBERIUS (d)


You came to the NMF! Two days have had an impact on you. You go!

What is the difference?

Through Qigong exercises you come back to yourself, experience your nakedness in movement, feel, go into tension and relaxation, breathe in and out, take posture for yourself, and come into an exchange with your counterpart.

holding SPACE

with SIMON (e)


As humans we crave to be touched and to be held. We often search for this experience in sex but what we are really wanting is a quiet presence that allows us to rest and just be ourselves in the arms of another. This workshop gives the space to give and receive deep loving holding and presence. For a lot of us it's a unique experience to be truly held and seen without needing to give anything back. Also diving into giving this as a gift to another human can be a truly humbling experience. Come and discover it for yourself.


with LOVE DRAGON (d/e)


In the heart circle, you will have time to integrate the experiences of the festival verbally. You can also participate if you don’t know what to say. Sharing silence is just as powerful. No previous experience needed. Just come with open hearts.

Sunday, 3 September 2023 | 17:15 - 18:00 h 
Closing Circle


At the end of this intensive weekend we will consciously put on our clothes again in a ritual and have the opportunity to reflect and share once more the experiences we have had. 

So bring your clothes (without shoes) for this ritual.